Now we are going to learn how to add an Album.
1. Go to your WP Dashboard -> Albums.
2. Click on Add new button from the top left corner. You will arrive on the album creation page.
3. First sections you can see are the Album Title and the Content which will appear on the album's single page.
4. On the side you can see 3 important options: Album Genre, The Featured Image and The Cover Image.
5. To add songs to the album, you need to go down to the Album Tracks section where you can add up to 999 tracks. Each track has fields for Name, Author, Album (if you create a Playlist which has tracks from different albums), Song Upload and Song URL. You can choose to use a self hosted track with Song Upload or use a track url from an external server. If you want to play a radio, you need to paste in the Song URL field the radio stream URL.
6. On the Album Info section you can edit the things like Author, Release Date, External Purchase URL (which can be a shop of your own) or iTunes purchase URL.
That's all about the Albums single page. :)