
At this moment, the only way to update ROUA (and our other themes also) is by uploading with FTP the new version of the theme over the actual version of it. 

To do that, you first need to make sure that you didn't modified any files of the actual theme version you have installed. 

If you made modifications, than you need to save those files that were modified in another location first, and after you make the update, come back and paste those files over the updated ones. 

Ok, so let's look at some quick steps on how to update the theme if you didn't modified its core files

  1. You receive an email from Envato (ThemeForest) where you are noticed that there is a new update for the theme. 

  2. Go to ThemeForest, and from the right top corner menu (where your username and balance are showed) select 'Downloads' -

  3. Now find our product in this list, and then hit Download button from where you choose Installable WordPress file only as shown here

  4. At this moment you should save the .zip archive on your computer, and then unzip it so you will have the theme's folder.

  5. With FileZilla or any other FTP clients, login into your server, and browse to the WordPress themes folder ( .../wp-content/themes/ ). 

  6. There you should see the theme's folder (similar to the one you have in your computer from the step 4.). 

  7. Copy & overwrite the theme folder from your computer (from step 4.) in the WordPress themes folder from your server. 

This should be everything. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any troubles. 
